Hello! I am Codemzy and I love to code. JavaScript is my favourite flavour. I blog about coding, software and my projects.
You can use Array.join() on an array of objects, but `join()` will only work with strings, so you need to get the property value(s) first. Let's look at some examples.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on May 30th, 2023
In this blog post, I create a javascript function to separate the last word in a string, so I can keep it attached to an inline icon, to prevent the icon from wrapping to a new line on its own.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on May 25th, 2023
You can sort any array of objects in JavaScript using the `sort()` method and giving it a compare function with the property value you want to sort by. Here's how it works with examples.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on May 22nd, 2023
Need to be able to drag and drop image files into your Tiptap WYSIWYG editor? Tiptap is highly customisable, so let's add some drag-and-drop magic to the Image extension.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on January 27th, 2023
If you need a simple short ID and don't have any complex requirements for it, then a simple JavaScript function could be all you need. Here's the function I use to create a random unique ID in JavaScript, and an explanation of how it works.
Written by Codemzy in JavaScript on January 13th, 2023